Honey Bee infographic

Yes, we keep honey bees. Can’t be designing and illustrating all the time! So we created this honey bee infographic loaded with honey bee facts.

The hives we keep on Galiano Island in British Columbia’s Gulf Islands have opened our eyes to the secret life of bees. And, so doing what we do, we just had to share some of those insights with you.

First we created a large format poster that was loaded with honey bee facts. Then we condensed all that info onto a single letter page info-graphic. We developed a custom script that loads the right format of web images. We produced an inter-active micro site. All with the focus on the single topic of honey bees. Why not? They’re pretty cool.

Our infographics for honey bees was also a spring board for infographics on other threatened or endangered species. The work we did about the Southern Resident Killer Whales is a good example. And we have more in the works — one for Rockfish conservation and another for the Pacific Herring which support so many other species at risk such as most of the Pacific Northwest’s salmon runs.

It’s so great when your efforts help make a difference to the health and well-being of other creatures sharing this planet.

You may also be interested in our online interactive webpage about honey bees.


  • Creative direction
  • Custom illustrations
  • Responsive design
  • Research
  • Copywriting
  • Production
  • Custom scripts